So why is it so common to use more staff that needed and put those staff in a high risk position at work?

There are alternatives that improve safety, reduce labour costs and save carbon emissions.

INSTABOOM GO is the UK first, one man deployment, solar powered stop:go machine.

What does this mean?

It is now possible to run a stop:go closure, with a crew of one. And that person is working from the safety of the side of the road or their cab.

22kg per unit, compact trolley case. 4 units can fir in the boot of a car.

Solar powered, never charge again if they are used in the sun twice a minute on 8 hour shifts.

And without the sun, they only need a charge once every 8 days.

Run up to 4 units, fully connected so that you cannot have 2 GO's

Rugged remote control, operate a stop:go closure up to 200m long.

Collapsible Red Book sign kits, all 13 signs in 3 'tent' bags. Everything required to run stop go can now fir in 1 small vehicle with low carbon foot of attendance.

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