Application Details

Request Received
Academia Membership
This is a Lifetime membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Universities and academic research organisations


LCRIG provides Academia members with a unique platform to engage with local authorities, the DfT and the wider highways community. As an Academia Member, you can collaborate with the LCRIG community to add valuable industry experience and knowledge that supports research, development and course content that is aligned with the sector. 

You can find the full list of membership benefits here

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・one upper case letter
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・one special character (@$!%*?&)
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・one upper case letter
・one lower case letter
・one number
・one special character (@$!%*?&)
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Please fill in the below form with your company details.

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LCRIG Academia Membership Form
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Membership Announcement Details

We would be delighted to announce you as a new member on our website, in our e-newsletter and on our social media channels. Please provide a company logo (at the top of the form) and a short quote describing your organisation and why you have joined LCRIG and/or what you hope to gain from your membership, including who the quote should be attributed to for inclusion in the announcement.

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Membership Requirements

As Academia membership is a fully-funded membership category, in return we ask for your support within the LCRIG community in the following ways:

  • To actively participate within LCRIG events, round tables, technical training days where appropriate / invited.
  • To be willing to attend and to participate within LCRIG webinars where appropriate.
  • To engage with LCRIG by sharing academia news, announcements, events and research findings.
  • To collaboratively work with LCRIG and the wider highways community to participate and to support industry research and development.
  • To collaborate with the wider highways community to develop course content that will prepare students for industry.
  • To assist students with accessing the highways sector by encouraging students to:-
  • Access and use LCRIG Skills
  • Access and use the LCRIG website for Industry Jobs
  • Access LCRIG social media platforms, including the LCRIG Insight, website, and Linkedin Groups.
  • To enable LCRIG member organisations to present to students and meet with students and staff.
  • To promote the sector and job opportunities through attendance at job fairs and through advertisements on student intranet services.
  • To promote LCRIG on the academia organisation website.

Membership is subject to acceptance of LCRIG's Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct.

Membership is a 12 month rolling subscription. After the expiry of the initial term, you may terminate your membership subscription on not less than 3 months written notice, in accordance with LCRIG's Terms and Conditions. Otherwise your membership will continue indefinitely until such time as you have served 3 months written notice.

By submitting this form I confirm that:

I have read and understood LCRIG's Fully Funded Membership Terms and Conditions

I have read and understood LCRIG's Membership Code of Conduct